Brace for Impact

Remember the repeating phases of nursing school? Well we are currently bracing for impact. This Easter break has not been too relaxing, but that’s probably because we are trying to brace for several assignments and major tests. I’m also still working on my last big project, the e-portfolio. My friend helped me knock out my resume and we tried to edit the website page… It’s not that user friendly.

A different friend sent pictures of a campfire and my heart about broke. It must be that I’ve felt so confined lately with winter and school. I am longing for the out doors right now! I was studying pharmacology as we have a comprehensive pharmacology test hitting us this week. We also have the regular endocrine med surg test and 2-3 comprehensive med surg tests. It’s complicated.

My brain and my writing seems a lot more scattered…. 3 more weeks and then I am going to take a serious look at my bucket list.

I talked to my Texas LPN instructor and found out that she actually lives in the same state as I do now which is crazy! Here I was thinking I didn’t want her to come all this way for my graduation, even though I wished she could pin me again. Come to find out she lives in the same state! Wow. She still may not make it to pinning, but that’s ok! I wanted her to know how thankful I am for the solid nursing foundationI learned from her. Lord knows I wouldn’t have made it this far, in this program, without that. We had an awsome LPN year…. It was rough but we had the very best instructor, and the best group of classmates, we could ever ask for!

I am debating putting a link to this on my e-portfolio… I feel like my instructors and classmates will be pouring over it looking for any shred of HIPPA violation, specific incident description, names, places etc… well they aren’t here. I have been very careful in this regard. I admit that originally this was not the most straight forward project, and it was supposed to be multipurpose. One of those purposes was, since I had heard terrible stories about the college etc…, I wanted to document, anonymously, what was going on here. Now that it’s all said and done, I can safely say that I have not personly seen true injustice, or descrimination, and certainly not to myself. The teachers, the director, and the nursing secretary, have all been amazing, knowledgable, and top notch. I should clarify that all of this is apart from the certain rediculous med surg clinical experiences that cause unnecessary and crippling stress…. Clinical is stressful enough without extra high expectations put on non-real- life-experience barely even nurses.

The bottom two images seem relevant and like they go together in a strange way…. We recently have been watching the backlash from nurses, and health care professionals, to a statement a senator made about nurses essentially being lazy and “playing cards.” What a joke. Most nurses don’t have cushy laid back jobs, and even if they do, those can get crazy busy as well.

Everything in balance people…

-Balance People

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