The Hardest Part

These last 2 weeks have held, arguably, the low of this semester. I had so much stress and anxiety over all the projects and assignments and tests hitting me early in the week. Our psych instructor did help ease my mind and she said go for good not perfect …” Perfection is the evil of good.” That can definitely be true!

I still had to leave the apartment and go for a drive on Sat night. I had to get out. It’s still cold in the middle of April here, but I thought I’d walk around the mall. They close before 630pm on a Saturday night apparently, so I had to literally walk around, the outside, of the mall. It didn’t help the anxiety much but I tried.

I spend most of my time at the library, when it’s open, and I only go back to the apartment after that. I am super grateful for my two friends who are also always there and try to keep me focused while also making these school days so much more fun. We laugh and get after each other. That’s the part I’m going to miss about these days the most.

I am also thankful for the awsome experiences in our psych clinical rotation. We have seen home visits, in-patient psych treatment, and we have also dived into substance abuse/recovery. For my half of the class, med surg rotations were good this semester too…. But I don’t belong in the hospital setting. Not unless it is on a specialty unit….

I am going to apply for a PTK scholarship, and if I get it I will apply to Chamberlain (an online college) to work on my BSN. I hate papers and discussion posts but that’s what’s going to be up…. I’m conflicted a bit so I’m leaving it to ride on that scholarship. Do I want to do it at some point? Yes. But, I can’t do it at this moment without some kind of financial help. I don’t want more debt.

My e-portfolio is next on the agenda. One of the last big projects I have to do. After that it’s pretty much test after test, mass casualty, then test after test. Pinning May 8th! This is pretty wild I must say!

I finally got up the nerve to ask an instructor if they had Indian blood in them. The class thought it was hilarious. I didn’t actually mean it to be a joke or disrespectful. I have been wondering if he was of Indian decent for a while and I don’t view that as a bad thing, just a possible fact.

No one else in the class seems to keen on leaving their mark in history or being known but I kinda am. I would have liked a picture collage and I would have liked to be on the wall at the college for graduated nurses. It doesn’t look like the class is interested in either so oh well. I definitely miss the southern mindset…. That southern hospitality, hard to offend, laid back, all is well and if it aint I’ma shoot you way. There are so many go big or go home all Americans down there. Sometimes my southern drawl still creeps out. There’s a good chance I’ll be getting my main RN experience in the south, and there’s a good chance I’ll end up in psychiatric care.

-Psychiatric care

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